The more newbucks you have, the more you can extend and upgrade your ranch and items.
You will have to manage how to get rid of them. They are hostile towards other slimes, animals, and you.

Beware of the Tarrs: The Tarr is a type of slime that has eaten too many different plorts and is now both cruel and vicious.Take care your slimes don’t eat more than two different plorts, or they will transform into an evil Tarr. Breeded slimes are larger and produce more plorts. Their diet differs depending on their type, and you will also be able to breed them by feeding them a plort from another species, more than 150 hybrid slimes can be raised. Raise and combine slimes: You will be able to feed and raise your slimes.Those expansions will help you raise new slimes and craft various items. You will be able to expand your ranch in many ways by purchasing or unlocking expansions such as The Grotto, The Overgrowth, The Dock, The Lab, and many more.

Expand your ranch: Your ranch will allow you to raise slimes in enclosures, earn newbucks, and explore the vast world.Using your trustworthy VacPakc, explore the world, expand your ranch, and start a unique journey far away from everything you know. Your journey starts on the ranch you inherited from Hobson Twillgers, a legendary slime rancher who mysteriously disappeared. You are Beatrix LeBeau, an outsider who decided to start a new life a thousand light-years away from Earth on the ‘Far, Far Range’ making a living rising and breeding slimes.